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Industrial Painting Specialists

Our Industrial Painting Specialists

Industrial Painting USA is the go-to industrial painting specialist that plant managers have trusted for their industrial painting nationwide for the past 40 plus years. There is no substitute for the experience, skill and safety record of our industrial specialists. When you choose Industrial Painting USA you are choosing the leading nationwide contractor. You are getting an industrial painting specialist that delivers the best quality, price and on-time delivery in the industrial painting industry.

Experience And Trust

Painting industrial buildings, structures, machinery and equipment is a specialized field that requires industrial painting specialists for the best results. Our customers receive industrial painting designed to withstand the demands of their environment. Whether its interior or exterior painting, our industrial specialists have the skills and experience needed to safely complete any industrial painting project in any part of the country. Choosing an industrial specialist of our caliber saves our customers time and money because we meet our deadlines and stay on budget throughout the process.

We have painted hundreds of industrial factories and industrial complexes in just about every state in the nation. We understand the demands of painting near the oceans where the high salt content of the air can wreak havoc on exposed metals. We know what it is like to paint in the arid desert lands in the south west and how much damage the heat and sun can do to the painted finish of industrial buildings. We know the preparation techniques, primers, paints, coatings and application techniques needed to get the job done. Don’t trust this important work to just any painting contractor. Go with the pros at Industrial Painting USA and get industrial specialists on the job.

Safety And Quality Are Top Of Mind

This same experience leads to our outstanding quality and safety record as industrial specialists. We use the very best paints from the leading paint manufactures to ensure the best finish. As industrial specialists we know various surfaces require different paints and preparation techniques. In painting, there is no single paint suitable for all surfaces. We match the paints and primers to the specific surfaces so our work stands the test of time.

We use modern equipment and are meticulous in keeping it well-maintained. Our industrial specialists are trained and certified in the safe use of every piece of equipment they touch. Our industrial painting specialists are knowledgeable in OSHA safety color schemes as well. We apply clear and distinct markings for hazards, fire-extinguishing and protective equipment, trip and fall hazards, dangerous equipment, and of course first aid and safety equipment to help keep your employees safe and improve your overall safety performance.

Corners are never cut in safety or any aspect our business. Our technicians are experts at handling the equipment needed to do the job safely and with the very best quality. All scaffolds and lifts are installed and operated by experienced team members that are well-trained and certified in safety procedures. You can trust our industrial painting specialists to work safely, efficiently and with the highest quality standards.

Energy Efficiency

A fresh coat of paint from our industrial painting specialists not only looks good but can help reduce your electric bill as well. Using light-reflecting colors on the ceilings and walls of your industrial building helps improve visibility while reducing energy consumption. Improved visibility helps in many areas from quality control to employee morale and safety. Good work environments are often taken for granted but they help in many ways.

Planning And Communications

An industrial painting specialist understands the importance of planning and effective communications. At Industrial Painting USA we are experts in planning. We set up communication schedules so you are aware of our progress every step of the way. We will establish a regular schedule for progress walks and updates so you can see that we are on schedule. We will explain the work we’ve accomplished and also show you “trouble spots” and how we resolved and problems we’ve encountered along the way. We want your industrial buildings and equipment to last and are quick to inform you of any potential problems.

The Leading Nationwide Contractor

At Industrial Painting USA our experienced industrial painting specialists can handle any sized job in any part of the country. We are equally experienced and skilled in all aspects of industrial painting from the exterior of industrial buildings, warehouses and plants to the interior ceilings, walls and floors. We can even expertly paint your industrial machinery and industrial equipment. We use a wide variety of paints and coatings to make sure the finish is both attractive and durable.

Our extensive experience and nationwide reach means that once you contract with our industrial specialists you never have to waste time tracking down an industrial painting specialist again. All you need to do is pick up the phone and call Industrial Painting USA and we are on the job.

Keep in mind that our industrial painting operation is completely scale-able. This means regardless of the size of your industrial property we can handle the job. We simply adjust the crew size, equipment list and supervisors needed for the job. The end result is the same; outstanding quality and on-time performance. Your industrial property is valuable; don’t take a chance on an inexperienced painter. It takes an experienced industrial painting specialist to handle each stage of the process. At Industrial Painting USA we take no shortcuts. Our dedication, skill and experience ensure that every job is done right.